The Romans in the Nahe Valley and the Hunsrück
After Caesar's conquest of Gaul between 58 and 51 B.C., which was a
devastating defeat for the
wide reaches of Europe were united for almost 500 years. This was the Roman Empire
under "Pax Romana" (Roman peace) with its own monetary and administrative system.
Rome's historical and cultural influence with its progressive technology, high
standard of organization and well developed writing system had a fundamental and
enduring effect upon the western world. How quickly the Romanizing process
progressed after Caesar's conquest can be seen in the artefacts found in the
graves of the Celtic
of the Hunsrück. The newly founded Roman towns and villages did their best
even when the heavy tax load they bore resulted in many uprisings.
Settling of Roman veterans was undertaken systematically in order to
ensure continued provision for the military personnel and civil population.
The most common type of settlement was the individual farmstead (Latin:
villa rustica). These varied greatly in size and were usually surrounded by a
wall. A farmstead of this type normally included a main residential
building and a bath house as well as numerous other farm buildings. In addition
to agricultural activities and cattle keeping crafts such as metal and woodworking
were practiced. As the economy grew more prosperous, pottery and ceramic workshops
sprang up all over the country at places on roads with good clay deposits nearby
("Terra-Sigillata-Manufactories"), for example, south of the Nahe valley near
Germersheim in the Pfalz. The centre of a town was the Forum where the
business people had their shops (Latin: tabernae).
Education and Schools
Although the
Celts of the Latène age
knew the Greek alphabet, it was the Romans who put writing to real use (Latin
alphabet) making it a part of everyday life. As a result, it was not only the
upper class that could read and write, but a majority of business people,
craftsmen, soldiers, landowners and even slaves. This was the only way that the
daily business with local and state institutions could be managed efficiently.
Regular school attendance was part of daily life for children although private
schooling was a privilege only for the upper classes. Citizens of any wealth at
all would probably have had a small private library of the "classics" of that
time. Archaeological finds have confirmed this. Moreover, in the larger towns
such as Trier, there were public libraries. From this we can assume that
widespread standardized education was important to the unity of the Roman empire.
A relief found in the town Neumagen (Latin: Noviomagus) on the Mosel
shows a teaching scene, thus underlining the great importance of education
in the Roman Empire. Neumagen lies directly on the old Roman road
Via Ausonia
which led from Mainz and
over the Hunsrück to
Roman Baths
After taking over the concept of baths from the Greeks in the 3rd century B.C., it
was developed into a defining aspect of Roman lifestyle and culture. No
garrison or settlement was without its public thermal baths and every
Roman villa that would have at least two baths. They were seen as important both
for hygiene and for medicinal purposes. The numerous medicinal spas which were built
near legionary posts affirm this. These baths were also open to the public for their
therapeutic needs.
The bathing process consisted of various phases of warming, heating and
cooling of the body. All baths had the same procedure: (1) the removal of
clothing in the dressing room (Latin: apodyterium), (2) the removal
of dust and dirt in the cold bath (Latin: frigidarium), (3) oiling and
massaging in the warming room where there were usually warm water
sitz-baths, (4) the sweat bath (Latin: caldarium), which
was kept at a temperature of over 50 degrees Celsius. (5) Afterwards one
returned to the cold bath to shock the heated body with cold water. (6) Finally,
a visit to the swimming pool (Latin: piscina) where one was available.
The bathing process began in the afternoon. It lasted two hours and varied
from bath to bath. Baths were not only places for leisure, recreation, health, and
physical training, but were also centres for political and social life. The rich
upper classes had evening meals and social events there. The illustration shows a
part of a mosaic floor of a Roman villa from the 2nd century A.D. It was
excavated near
Bad Kreuznach
(Latin: Cruciniacum) and shows the sea god Oceanus as well as sea animals,
ships and harbour scenes.
Wine Growing
In the Nahe valley and in the Hunsrück region, archaeological proof has been
found that wine from the Mediterranean area was already being imported in Celtic
times. This was in connection with the trade in raw materials such as copper,
pewter, and iron with the Etruscans of Vulci who lived in the Hallstatt
era (800 to 475 B.C., and so-called because of the important archaeological
finds made at Hallstatt on the lake of Hallstatt in Austria). They developed and
expanded the European trade in raw materials. Mediterranean eating habits
changed after the conquest of the Romans, and wine trade became
increasingly important. However, legal limitations upon
wine growing
meant that it did not develop as an independent branch of the economy until the
3rd century A.D. The firm establishment of wine growing in the Mosel valley
began with a decree by the Roman emperor Probus (278 to 280 A.D.), which
allowed general cultivation of vineyards.
Germanic Wars
After Caesar's occupation of Gaul (51 B.C.), and the systematic exploitation and
consolidation of the areas west of the Rhine, Drusus (12 to 9 B.C.) conquered
the area right of the Rhine all the way to the Elbe. Due to continuous
skirmishes with the Germanic tribes living there and the devastating defeat
of the Romans at the battle of Varus, the Rhine became the border of the
Roman empire (7 to 9 A.D.). Only under Emperor Vespasian (69 to 79 A.D.),
was the land east of the Rhine again largely conquered. The provinces of
Germania Superior and Germania Inferior were created in the years
83 to 85 A.D., with their capitals of Mainz and Cologne.
There was constant danger of attacks by the Germanic tribes in the occupied
areas. During the reign of Trajan (98 to 117 A.D.), the Romans built frontier
fortifications with watch towers and battlements at regular intervals —the
so-called Limes. The fortification project was completed in the year 150
A.D. It was built in a line from Eining north of Neustadt on the Danube,
Gunzenhausen, Dinkelsbühl, Böbingen east of Schwäbisch Gmünd,
Jagsthausen, Miltenberg on the Main river, Gross-Krotzenburg
near Hanau, Arnsburg south of Giessen, Butzbach, Großer
Feldberg in Taunus, Arzbach near Bad Ems, Niederbiber near
Neuwied, and Bad Hunningen near Linz on the Rhine.
The Marcomannic wars with their heavy casualties towards the end of the
2nd century A.D., were the first high points for the Germans in the armed conflicts
between the Romans and the Germanic tribes. Beginning in the 3rd century, the
Germanic tribes began invading Roman territory increasingly often in their
quest for land and plunder. Because the Romans were withdrawing troops for
the defensive wars against the Persians, security in the area right of the Rhine
deteriorated dramatically around the year 250 A.D. The provincial
reorganization by Diocletian around 297 A.D. no longer took the Limes area into
account. Frankish and Alemannic peoples began a continuous push
into imperial territory. Only in the middle of the 4th century A.D. under
Valentinian (364 to 375 A.D.), did the province's defence system become more secure
with the expansion of the Rhine line.
The constant movement of Germanic tribes into the area eventually brought
Roman rule to an end in the 5th century. In the process, the Romans were not
eradicated or chased out but were gradually assimilated into the Germanic
people who outnumbered them greatly. As a rule, the towns and villages
continued to be used although the economic system of the villa rustica
ended abruptly.
Selected Key Dates
58-51 B.C. | Caesar conquers Gaul with the Rhine as his border |
17 B.C. | Trier is founded |
13 B.C. | Mainz (Moguntiacum) becomes garrison town |
12-9 B.C. | Drusus subdues Germanic tribes up to the Elbe river |
7-9 A.D. | Roman legions are worn down in the Battle of Varus, the
Rhine becomes a state border again |
73-74 A.D. | Renewed conquest of right Rhine areas under Vespasian |
83-85 A.D. | The provinces Germania Superior and Germania
Inferior with the capitals Mainz and Cologne are created |
around 100-110 A.D. | Construction of the Odenwald-Neckar Limes under Traian |
around 150 A.D. | The last expansion stage of the Limes is completed |
212 A.D. | Constitutio Antoniana: Roman citizenship for all provincial inhabitants |
213-486 A.D. | Constant wars against Franks and Alamanni |
259-273 A.D. | Gallic empire with the capital Cologne, from 271 Trier |
260 A.D. | Fall of the Limes |
around 275 A.D. | Franconia invades the Nahe area and burns down the
Roman luxury villa in Bad Kreuznach |
392 A.D. | Christianity becomes state religion |
406 A.D. | Vandals, Alanen and Sueben cross the Rhine and devastate Gaul |
451 A.D. | Battle on the Katalaunian Fields against the Huns |
455-459 A.D. | The Franks conquer Cologne |
479 A.D. | Trier becomes Franconian |
486 A.D. | The Franconian king Childerich defeats the last
representative of Roman power in Gaul |